Well here we are in 2012 scratching and sucking after the Christmas and New Year festivities! As the world bumps from wall to wall you have to wonder what the future holds for all of us. But pointlessly staring into space isn't the answer at all.
Our little Harbour Sports strap line is LIVE THE LIFE! Like so many these days that isn't quite so easy as it used to be, but we can all make a difference. It really is simply a question as to whether we really want to make the effort or just sit in a hopeless heap letting image after image pass before us as we surf the web in a sort of voyeuristic stupor.
How about starting the year on a kayak? Take the little Bic Ouassou for example. This fun boat will let you drift around the coast, ride waves on the beach or keep you company as you belt down river white water. 2012 and a super way to keep fit. If you can walk in a straight line then you can use one of these fun kayaks. Our prices are good and the Harbour Sports folk will help you to get the very best out for your craft with a mass of local knowledge. Yes that's right local knowledge! Free local delivery also! How good is that? If you are worried about whether this is the kayak for you then come to Paignton and try one. But you will need your wetsuit at this time of year.
By the way, talking about wetuits we now have a stack of really cheap Gul sample suits in all three shops (Plymouth, Paignton and Exeter). Come on, make the effort and LIVE THE LIFE WITH HARBOUR SPORTS IN 2012!!f
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