The English Riviera at 11am on Sunday the 31st August as viewed from Paignton Harbour! It’s the very height of summer but where are the tourists, where are the boating people, the swimmers, the children splashing around on the beaches? I hear the constant institutional rhetoric about the boom in tourism, the anticipated thousands home holidaying families and here is the evidence. This beautiful harbour, this stunning coastline, this lovely bay, these miles of open beaches and coastal walks….and yet?
What I find a little curious; well more than a little curious is the gap between what is said and what is actually happening. You can print whatever you like but unless you capture the hearts and minds very little will change. Too much of what we hear is about what we will do rather than what we are doing. Harnessing new information technology rather than printing endless brochures might be a good start. But hey, what do I know? What I do know is the gap between myth and reality.
The biggest factor, of course, is weather and after five poor summers in a row that isn’t too hard to understand. Yet last week, the first of the school summer holidays, the weather was warm and sunny but the beaches were quiet. The second huge factor is the reality of a local welcome. Take this harbour as an example where the proliferation of notices telling folk what they can’t do has become endemic. New fences now solve a problem that we never had and the road surface is covered with white, yellow and red lines! The master mariner harbour masters of a former time would spin in their watery graves. Added to that is the cost of parking and I am still the lonely advocate of first hour free parking.
He travels on……simply wanted to say that the water is fine so come and play…….frank
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