It’s a strange old world these days and every time you turn around nothing seems quite the same. We’ve been at this game for over thirty years, teaching sailing, teaching windsurfing, yacht charter, retailing, mail order stuff and all sorts of stuff in between. In that time we’ve seen folk come and we’ve seem them go, yet nothing quite compares with the topsy-turvy world today. The Grim Reaper seems to have cut deeply into the High Street, leaving retailers bleeding on the pavement and too many shops boarded up. A whole new sad meaning to the phrase board sport! Well, we are still here and toughing it out. The thing is that we have the most fantastic staff and as we often demonstrate our people don’t just walk the walk and talk the talk, they really do live the life! We still believe that when you call and see us you take away more than something purchased, you also share in our life. At least we rather hope that is how you feel. Over the past couple of weeks we’ve had some great stuff arrive. The new ANIMAL summer clothing is a dream as is the Quiksilver and Old Guys. Perhaps that is one of the special things about Harbour Sports, the fact that we are not ‘married’ to one brand and that things constantly change. The daylight hours are longer now and already people have started splashing about, skating the streets or simply just hanging loose. Why not come and join them! frank
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