Wednesday, 21 March 2012

First signs of a warm summer....

Spring flowers, warm winds, the smell of the sea at first light and a delivery of 23 boxes packed full of REEF SANDALS! If you have never had a pair of REEF SANDALS then change your life for the better today........and as I write a truck full of kayaks and body boards is unloading!

Goodness me, what an adventure it all is.

The photograph was not taken this morning on one of the English Riviera beaches!!!......:-)

Live the life with HARBOUR SPORTS!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

The end of an era – new Paignton harbour fishing ban

I bumped into a local fisherman at the end of the quay the other day. Mike has been fishing out of Paignton harbour many years and his family have been part of the local community for many generations. He was scratching his head whilst looking at the new high wire fence on both sides of the harbour entrance and said, "Here boy what do they think they're doing? My granddad fished from the end of the quay, as did my dad and my children! How much did that cost and why could the harbour staff just patrol the area?"

We seem to live in a time of not do rather than can do. With one hand we are encouraging folk to use the coastline and with the other we are telling them not to.

Of course the few have once again ruined a good thing for the majority by carelessly flicking fishing weights at passing boats. But did it need this high fence on both sides of the harbour?

The question is whether the English Riviera Tourist Board and Mayor Oliver's Torbay Development Board tourist marketing section will want to use this picture for their new hugely expensive advertising campaigns?